Monday 26 September 2011

Week 4: eBusiness

Why Has The Web Grown So Dramatically?

Since its first introduction as a tool of the US Defence Force in the mid-1960s, the web has dramatically grown with the number of estimated users in 2011 being just under 7 billion (InternetWorldStats). The reasons for this extraordinary growth are mostly summed up in 5 reasons;
·      The microcomputer revolution made it possible for an average person to own a computer
·      Advancements in networking hardware, software and media made it possible for business PCs to be connected to larger networks inexpensively
·      Browser Software like Microsoft’s Internet Explorer and Netscape Navigator gave computer users an easy-to-use graphical interface to find, download and design web pages
·      The speed, convenience and low cost of email have made it an indispensible tool for business and personal communications
·      Basic web pages are easy to create and extremely flexible

What is Web 2.0, how does it differ from 1.0?

Web 2.0 refers to the set of economic, social and technological trends that collectively form the basis for the next generation of the internet. Sometimes referred to as the Live Web, allows users to collaborate and build their own content. Compared to Web 1.0 it is much more interactive, and is characterised by user participation, openness and network effects. In this way, it moves beyond the idea of linking text towards the concept of linking people as embodied in websites like Facebook.

How Could A Web 2.0 Technology Be Used In Business?
When Web 2.0 is used effectively in business it can provide an organisation with the means to gain an early mover advantage in their industry. By incorporating this technology into their operations and decision-making a company can greatly improve the communication and sharing of information that occurs within the organisation.

Just some examples of how Web 2.0 can be used in business to improve effectiveness and efficiency include;
      ·         CEOs using Blogs to enhance communication with employees and members of the public
      ·         Setting up an RSS Feed to provide managers with statistics in real time
      ·         Using RSS Feeds to inform customers of product updates and news
      ·         Creating ‘Buzz’ around the company or its products through viral marketing on social
         networking sites like Facebook and Youtube.

What Is eBusiness, How Does It Differ From eCommerce?

        Throughout the business community the word ‘commerce’ refers to the buying and selling of goods and services. It therefore stands to reason that the phrase ‘eCommerce’ means the buying and selling of goods and services on the internet.

Similarly, the term eBusiness also relates to the conducting of business online, but where e-commerce only refers to online-transactions, eBusiness is a broader term that encompasses such online activities as buying and selling, serving customers and collaborating with business partners.

What Is Pure And Partial eCommerce?
Within the industry of eCommerce there exists two types of
transactions which are known as pure and partial eCommerce.
Pure eCommerce is the term used to describe a business
situation in which all business transactions are done wholly
on the internet. An example of this is ITunes in which the
product sold is of a digital nature in the form of music
downloads and the customer pays for the good via online

        In comparison, Partial eCommerce is much more common. WhilePartial eCommerce business may conduct its buying and selling online, there is still a whole ‘bricks and mortar’ business
        behind it, carrying out tasks such as service delivery, product manufacturing, and product logistics. Some examples of such companies that operate on a partial eCommerce system are Dell
        Inc and HartleyHealey Family Law Specialists who as well as the more traditional legal duties also provide online advice and services to prospective client.

List And Describe The Various eBusiness Models

In simple terms an eBusiness Model is used to describe an approach of conducting electronic business via the internet. Within this eBusiness framework there exists four main models used to describe the various relationships that can occur between businesses and consumers. As seen in the table below, these models are known as;

·         Business-to-Business

·         Business-to-Consumer

·         Consumer-to-Business

·         Consumer-to-Consumer

List and describe the major B2B models

Within the Business-to-Business model there are 4 main types;

·         Sell-Side Business-to-Business is when one seller sells to many companies, and often occurs in the form of a ‘Forward Auction’ in which sellers use the website as a channel to many buyers and the highest bidder wins

·         Buy-Side Business-to-Business involves a single buyer selecting the seller they wish to purchase from. This type of business-to-business activity occurs in the form of a ‘Reverse Auction’ where it is the sellers who bid for the buyer’s business and it is the one with the lowest bid who wins.

·         Electronic Exchange involves the setting up of a site where buyers and sellers from a specific industry or business sector can come together and exchange goods, services and money. Including such examples as  eBay or the Apple Apps Store, these sites make their profit from the exchanges themselves or by displaying ads of related products.

·         Collaborative Commerce is based on ‘Groupware’ software which allows companies to log into a system to meet and hold meetings as well as share such things as goods and services, project updates and inventory levels. In this way, the aim of collaborative commerce is to provide companies with easier and more efficient channels of communication to converse within and across organisations.

Outline 2 Opportunities And 2 Challenges Faced By Companies Doing Business Online?

With its ability to connect more than 1 billion people worldwide, the internet certainly holds many opportunities for businesses. For this reason, many companies have now turned to doing business online, but just like any other commercial decision with its many benefits also come some challenges.

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